Purushottama (Jagannatha) Kshetra: Sage Jaimini narrated the Story of King Indradyumna,an
ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu who was keen on having a darshan of the Idol of Neela Madhava at a
Temple situated in the Nilachala Mountain on the East Coastal side of Bharata Varsha in the Utkala
Region and asked his Priest to ascertain the route and arrange for the trip. One of the Pilgrims
(Bhagavan Himself) who said that he just returned from there and described the details of the route.
The King and his large entourage undertook an arduous journey and having crossed Mahanadi
camped overnight and the Local Chief of Utkal Region gave the disheartening news that there was a
huge sand storm and the Idol of Neela Madhava was underneath a heap of debris. Brahmashi Narada
appeared and consoled the King and asked him perform hundred Yagnas and then NeelaMadhava
would manifest from under the debris. Narada further said that a ‘Vata Vriksha’ (Banyan Tree) with
four branches would appear near the debris; that Vishvakarma the Celestial Artist would carve out
four Idols of Jagannatha, Balabhadra, Devi Subhadra the sister of the brothers and a Sudarshana
Chakra; that a conch-shaped Purushottama Kshetra would get materialised and that Lord Brahma
himself would consecrate the Wooden Idols but the instructions of Neela Madhava must be followed
by the King in spirit and deed. Sughat the son of Vishwakarma completed the construction of the
Temple within five days while made the Idol of Nrisimha Deva which was installed by Narada. The
task of carving wood from for the four major Idols was taken up and a celestial voice was heard
saying that the Idols would emerge on their own, that the oldest worker be sent inside the the Main
Gate which should be closed till the job was over, that the sound of drums be kept on till the task was
going on inside to cover the sounds from there, that if somebody heard the sounds from inside then
he or she would be stone-deaf forever and if somebody saw any activity from inside that person would
lose vision forever! On the fifteenth day a celestial announcement was heard that the Idols were
almost ready; instructions were given about the colour schemes of the Idols viz. deep blue cloud for
Janannatha, white for Balabhadra, Crimson red like rising Sun for Subhadra and deep red to the
Sudarshana Chakra. As the finishing touches were being provided, Indradyumna was in trance and at
the time of consecration, Narada, the King and the entire entourage entered the Sanctum Sanctorium
chanting Dwadasha Mantra viz.Namo Vaasudevaya in praise of the Lord, Purusha Suktum addressed
Balabhadra, Sri Suktam for Subdhadra Devi and appropriate Mantras to invoke Sudarshana Chakra.
Finally at the Muhurat Time , Lord Brahma initiated the most hallowed function of ‘Kumbhabhisheka’
on Shuddha Vishakha Ashtami on Thursday with Pushyami as the Nakshatra as witnessed
by Deva-Yaksha-Kinnaras and Maharshis. The famous nine day Ratha Yatra commenced on Shuddha
Ashadha Vidiya and returned from the banks of Bindu Tirtha on the eighth following day.The Annual
Ratha Yatra continues till date.
Nice blog about Jagannath Rath Yatra.