According to
- the Narada Purana (2.80.9-32),
- the Skanda Purana (2.6.2-3), and
- the Padma Purana (4.75.25-46),
when Narada first heard that Lord Krsna had appeared in Vrndavana, he wandered Vrndavana’s twelve forests looking for any signs of his beloved Lord. With great intensity he ran through the secret bowers in which Krsna would meet with the gopis, His cowherd girlfriends. But he could not find any evidence of Krsna’s appearance.
Vrnda Devi, a prominent gopi who helps arrange Krsna’s rendezvous with His girlfriends, appeared before Narada and told him that to see such esoteric pastimes he would have to adopt the mood and form of a loving gopi himself.
After Narada Muni heard the glories of supreme gopi-bhava from the mouth of Vrindadevi, a strong desire to serve Radha and Krisna in the form of gopi arose in his heart. It is an accepted Doctrine that the questing human soul is feminine, the only male is Lord Krishna and the rest are all gopis. Naradji considered Lord Krishna's heart, could only witness his Raas or raputuruous dallance after being born as a cowherdess.

He received a gopala-mantra from Brahma and begin his sadhana-bhajana for the gopi bhava (love flowing towards the Lord); overwhelmed with a desire to witness the madhurya or sweet love of Lord Krishna with the Brajbalas.After performing worship for many yugas Yogamaya Paurnamasi dipped Naradaji in Kusuma-sarovara (Shri Kusumadevi Gopi Pond Form) and he received a body of the gopi.Thereafter he obtained the qualification to perform seva of the Divine Couple with the help of Shri Van Devi to enter the world of Lord Krishna's dalliance and he was ecstatic.

Seeing Narada there in the form of a gopi, Sri Krishna requested him to stay at Narada-vana and write bhakti-sastras.lthough Narada had been cursed by Daksa not to be able to stay in one place, Krisna informed Narada that because Vrindavan-dhama is not a part of the material world, the curse of Daksa would not apply here.
After another bath in Kusuma-sarovara, he changed back to he male form and returned to this place, where he wrote the famous treatise on devotional service known as the Narada-bhakti-sutra.

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