Sunday, December 18, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Significance / Importance / Ritual of Chaturmasya
Once, on being asked by Narad about the importance of Chaturmasya, lord Brahma said--' Chaturmasya is the period of four months during which lord Vishnu is believed to take rest in ksheer-sagar. So quite naturally, all the oceans, rivers and ponds are believed to attain divinity due to the presence of Lord Vishnu in ksheer-sagar during this period. This is the reason why great importance has been attached to taking holy bath during this period. A devotee, who observes austerities related with Lord Vishnu during these four months, becomes absolved of all his sins. All the deities are believed to dwell within Lord Vishnu during this period. Going on pilgrimage to holy places and taking holy dips in rivers bestow indescribable virtues.
A devotee must not forget to perform the rituals of 'Tarpan' after taking his daily bath. He should also observe abstinence and avoid indulging in sensual pleasures during this period of four months. There is special significance of making donations during this period, especially donating food-grains.
Continuing with the importance of austerities observed during Chaturmas, Lord Brahma said--' Human-beings are bundle of desires and long for worldly things. So, there is a great importance of abstinence and forsaking things, which one is very fond of. One who relinquishes his most favourite thing during this period gets the same thing in abundance in the next world. A householder, who renounces his family life for the sake of his devotion during this period, becomes free from the tortures of recurring births and deaths. Similarly, relinquishing the use of chilly in one's food during this period helps him to acquire great fortune. Renouncing silk cloths during this period gives imperishable joy. One should avoid wearing black cloths during this period. Combing and shaving are prohibited during this period.
A devotee should worship Lord Vishnu on the auspicious day of Kark sankranti. Normally black plums are offered to Lord Vishnu while worshipping. Celibacy is believed to be the best austerity and anybody who observes it during the period of chaturmas, never experiences sorrow in his life.
Once, on being asked by Narad about the proper methods of performing Shodash upachar rituals, lord Brahma said --'In normal circumstances, when lord Vishnu is worshipped by employing the rituals of Shodashopachar it is considered as 'Tapa'. But, when the same rituals of shodashopachar are employed to worship lord Vishnu during chaturmas, it is considered as 'Mahatapa'. In the same manner, all the austerities that are observed during Chaturmas attain greater importance.
Lord Brahma then went on to elucidate the proper method of performing the rituals of 'Shodashopachar'--' "A particular 'mahasukta' of Yajurveda consisting of sixteen ' richas are chanted while worshipping Lord Vishnu. Similarly richas like 'sahastra-sheersha purushah' and fifteen others are considered to be most appropriate for the worship of almighty Vishnu. First of all, a devotee should perform the ritual of 'nyas' by mentally associating all the sixteen richas with different organs of the body as per the instructions given in the smritis. The same rituals of 'nyas' are then performed on the idol of lord Vishnu or Shaligram. After that an invocation is made to Lord Vishnu by chanting the first richa of Purush sukta--'Sahashtra sheersha Purushah' with a slight modification i.e. by adding 'om' in the beginning of the mantra. Similarly, Lord Vishnu and other 'Parshads' should be installed at the place of worship by chanting the second richa- 'Purush evedam'. With the chanting of third richa, Lord Vishnu's lotus feet are washed after which 'ardhya' is offered with the holy water collected from all the seven seas and other holy rivers. Subsequently, the ritual of 'achaman' is performed amidst the chanting of fifth richa. The ritual of ablution is then performed in which the idol of Lord Vishnu is bathed amidst the chanting of the sixth richa. The idol is adorned with beautiful apparels amidst the chanting of seventh richa.
Similarly, a sacred thread is offered to Lord Vishnu amidst the chanting of eighth richa while sandalwood paste is smeared on the idol amidst the chanting of ninth richa. Subsequently, amidst the chanting of tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteen richas, flowers, incense, lighted lamp and naivedya are offered to the deity respectively. Naivedya should consist of cereals. While performing 'aarti' the fourteenth richa should be chanted. A devotee should then circumambulate around the idol amidst the chanting of fifteenth richa. Imagining himself as an inseparable part of lord Vishnu, he should meditate amidst the chanting of the sixteenth richa."
Once, on being asked by Narad about the importance of Chaturmasya, lord Brahma said--' Chaturmasya is the period of four months during which lord Vishnu is believed to take rest in ksheer-sagar. So quite naturally, all the oceans, rivers and ponds are believed to attain divinity due to the presence of Lord Vishnu in ksheer-sagar during this period. This is the reason why great importance has been attached to taking holy bath during this period. A devotee, who observes austerities related with Lord Vishnu during these four months, becomes absolved of all his sins. All the deities are believed to dwell within Lord Vishnu during this period. Going on pilgrimage to holy places and taking holy dips in rivers bestow indescribable virtues.
A devotee must not forget to perform the rituals of 'Tarpan' after taking his daily bath. He should also observe abstinence and avoid indulging in sensual pleasures during this period of four months. There is special significance of making donations during this period, especially donating food-grains.
Continuing with the importance of austerities observed during Chaturmas, Lord Brahma said--' Human-beings are bundle of desires and long for worldly things. So, there is a great importance of abstinence and forsaking things, which one is very fond of. One who relinquishes his most favourite thing during this period gets the same thing in abundance in the next world. A householder, who renounces his family life for the sake of his devotion during this period, becomes free from the tortures of recurring births and deaths. Similarly, relinquishing the use of chilly in one's food during this period helps him to acquire great fortune. Renouncing silk cloths during this period gives imperishable joy. One should avoid wearing black cloths during this period. Combing and shaving are prohibited during this period.
A devotee should worship Lord Vishnu on the auspicious day of Kark sankranti. Normally black plums are offered to Lord Vishnu while worshipping. Celibacy is believed to be the best austerity and anybody who observes it during the period of chaturmas, never experiences sorrow in his life.
Once, on being asked by Narad about the proper methods of performing Shodash upachar rituals, lord Brahma said --'In normal circumstances, when lord Vishnu is worshipped by employing the rituals of Shodashopachar it is considered as 'Tapa'. But, when the same rituals of shodashopachar are employed to worship lord Vishnu during chaturmas, it is considered as 'Mahatapa'. In the same manner, all the austerities that are observed during Chaturmas attain greater importance.
Lord Brahma then went on to elucidate the proper method of performing the rituals of 'Shodashopachar'--' "A particular 'mahasukta' of Yajurveda consisting of sixteen ' richas are chanted while worshipping Lord Vishnu. Similarly richas like 'sahastra-sheersha purushah' and fifteen others are considered to be most appropriate for the worship of almighty Vishnu. First of all, a devotee should perform the ritual of 'nyas' by mentally associating all the sixteen richas with different organs of the body as per the instructions given in the smritis. The same rituals of 'nyas' are then performed on the idol of lord Vishnu or Shaligram. After that an invocation is made to Lord Vishnu by chanting the first richa of Purush sukta--'Sahashtra sheersha Purushah' with a slight modification i.e. by adding 'om' in the beginning of the mantra. Similarly, Lord Vishnu and other 'Parshads' should be installed at the place of worship by chanting the second richa- 'Purush evedam'. With the chanting of third richa, Lord Vishnu's lotus feet are washed after which 'ardhya' is offered with the holy water collected from all the seven seas and other holy rivers. Subsequently, the ritual of 'achaman' is performed amidst the chanting of fifth richa. The ritual of ablution is then performed in which the idol of Lord Vishnu is bathed amidst the chanting of the sixth richa. The idol is adorned with beautiful apparels amidst the chanting of seventh richa.
Similarly, a sacred thread is offered to Lord Vishnu amidst the chanting of eighth richa while sandalwood paste is smeared on the idol amidst the chanting of ninth richa. Subsequently, amidst the chanting of tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteen richas, flowers, incense, lighted lamp and naivedya are offered to the deity respectively. Naivedya should consist of cereals. While performing 'aarti' the fourteenth richa should be chanted. A devotee should then circumambulate around the idol amidst the chanting of fifteenth richa. Imagining himself as an inseparable part of lord Vishnu, he should meditate amidst the chanting of the sixteenth richa."
king Ambarish asks Narada
Once, king Ambarish asked Narad about the reason why lord Vishnu had special liking for the month-Vaishakh(Second Month of Year). Narad’s answer was that Vaishakh had been given special privilege by lord Brahma himself and is believed to fulfill all the wishes of a man. No other month is as dear to Lord Vishnu as Vaishakh. The sin raises its ugly head only till a devotee has bathed before sunrise in the month of Vaishakh but once he has taken his bath all his sins just disappears. This is also the period when all the deities are believed to dwell in all the rivers, ponds, lakes, apart from the holy rivers. Great significance has been attached to doing charitable deeds in this month, especially providing water to thirsty. Similarly, donating certain articles like umbrella, fans, shoes, all have their own importance. One who gets constructed an inn for the comfort of the travelers and provides water to them attains imperishable virtues. No charitable deed can ever match the virtue of donating food grains and one who accomplishes this great act can be aptly called a ‘Pita’ (Father).
Monday, October 3, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Badrinath / Narad Kund Map / Photos
According to the Sthal Purana, Lord Vishnu is worshiped at Badrinath by the human beings for the period when these mountains are free from snow and by Saint Narada when it snow heavily during winters.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Kamsa / Army of Rakshasas / Respect Even by Demons
Sometimes Narada's remarks outwardly looked like scandalous gossip. But it was his intention that evildoers should merit punishment and the virtuous are fittingly rewarded. We may for instance look at the episode of Kamsa. Kamsa was a cruel king. He, along with his like-minded 'Rakshasas', used to torture people.
His sister Devaki got married to Vasudeva. Then an invisible voice said: "0 Kamsa, you shall meet your end at the hands of the eighth child of Devaki." Kamsa's anger knew no bounds. At once he took out his sword and rushed to kill Devaki. Vasudeva begged him not to kill her. He assured Kamsa that he would handover to -his custody all the children born to Devaki. Kamsa left Devaki unharmed.
Later Narada met Kamsa in secrecy and said: "0 Kamsa, the angels have conspired to kill you. Your father Ugrasena, Devaki, and Vasudeva - all these people have joined hands with the angels. You are after all a 'rakshasa', a demon. Don't you know that the angels and the rakshasas are sworn enemies?" On hearing this Kamsa was outraged. Immediately he imprisoned Devaki and his father Ugrasena, and declared that thereafter he was the king of that state.
One wonders why Narada stooped to such tale bearing. But he had a noble purpose. He knew that it was only when the cup of evil was filled to the brim that the wicked will attract punishment. Kamsa's cruel acts came in quick succession. He sent an army of 'rakshasas' to kill Sri Krishna who was then a little boy in Nandagokula. All of them met their end. Soon Lord Krishna found enough justification for killing Kamsa, and did so.
His sister Devaki got married to Vasudeva. Then an invisible voice said: "0 Kamsa, you shall meet your end at the hands of the eighth child of Devaki." Kamsa's anger knew no bounds. At once he took out his sword and rushed to kill Devaki. Vasudeva begged him not to kill her. He assured Kamsa that he would handover to -his custody all the children born to Devaki. Kamsa left Devaki unharmed.
Later Narada met Kamsa in secrecy and said: "0 Kamsa, the angels have conspired to kill you. Your father Ugrasena, Devaki, and Vasudeva - all these people have joined hands with the angels. You are after all a 'rakshasa', a demon. Don't you know that the angels and the rakshasas are sworn enemies?" On hearing this Kamsa was outraged. Immediately he imprisoned Devaki and his father Ugrasena, and declared that thereafter he was the king of that state.
One wonders why Narada stooped to such tale bearing. But he had a noble purpose. He knew that it was only when the cup of evil was filled to the brim that the wicked will attract punishment. Kamsa's cruel acts came in quick succession. He sent an army of 'rakshasas' to kill Sri Krishna who was then a little boy in Nandagokula. All of them met their end. Soon Lord Krishna found enough justification for killing Kamsa, and did so.
Savitri and Satyavan / Guide
Narada's timely guidance made Savitri vigilant and cautious and she was able to win back her husband's life.
Narada's timely guidance made Savitri vigilant and cautious and she was able to win back her husband's life.
Curse Taken as Blessing

The children of Dakshabrahma were called Haryashwas. One day Dakshabrahma called them to his side and said: "0 my children! Observe penance and you will derive strength and spiritual splendor. Later you must get married and lead a contented life."
In response to the command of the father, the children went to the Himalayas and commenced a rigorous penance near theNarayana-saras. Narada happened to go there. "0 sons of Dakshabrahma, why at all are you observing such a penance? There is no joy in married life. You must develop devotion for it merely to get Lord. Our aim must be to escape from the sorrows of family life. Must you observe penance only to get trapped in misery? practice renunciation, aspire for deliverance." Saying thus, Narada went away.
The advice of Narada made a tremendous impact on the minds of the children of Daksha. They took an oath not to marry. This news upset Daksha. He called his other children who were named Shabalashwas, and instructed them properly and sent them for penance. But, sure as ever, Narada came and taught them too the ways of renunciation!
Dakshabrahma's anger knew no bounds. He said to Narada: "0 Narada, it was my heart's desire that my children should marry and lead a happy household life. But you interfered and misled them. Don't you have any other occupation? I am cursing you to remain a vagabond eternally!(Always travelling around all the three worlds)"
Narada was not upset by the curse. "All the better indeed! I shall spend all my time wandering and preaching the people the best" he determined.

The children of Dakshabrahma were called Haryashwas. One day Dakshabrahma called them to his side and said: "0 my children! Observe penance and you will derive strength and spiritual splendor. Later you must get married and lead a contented life."
In response to the command of the father, the children went to the Himalayas and commenced a rigorous penance near theNarayana-saras. Narada happened to go there. "0 sons of Dakshabrahma, why at all are you observing such a penance? There is no joy in married life. You must develop devotion for it merely to get Lord. Our aim must be to escape from the sorrows of family life. Must you observe penance only to get trapped in misery? practice renunciation, aspire for deliverance." Saying thus, Narada went away.
The advice of Narada made a tremendous impact on the minds of the children of Daksha. They took an oath not to marry. This news upset Daksha. He called his other children who were named Shabalashwas, and instructed them properly and sent them for penance. But, sure as ever, Narada came and taught them too the ways of renunciation!
Dakshabrahma's anger knew no bounds. He said to Narada: "0 Narada, it was my heart's desire that my children should marry and lead a happy household life. But you interfered and misled them. Don't you have any other occupation? I am cursing you to remain a vagabond eternally!(Always travelling around all the three worlds)"
Narada was not upset by the curse. "All the better indeed! I shall spend all my time wandering and preaching the people the best" he determined.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
While the illustrious Pandavas were seated in that Sabha along with the principal Gandharvas, there came, O Bharata, unto that assembly the celestial Rishi Narada,
- conversant with the Vedas and Upanishadas,
- worshipped by the celestials
- acquainted with histories and Puranas, well-versed in all that occurred in ancient kalpas (cycles),
- conversant with Nyaya (logic) and the truth of moral science,
- possessing a complete knowledge of the six Angas (viz., pronunciation, grammar, prosody, explanation of basic terms, description of religious rites, and astronomy).
- He was a perfect master in reconciling contradictory texts and differentiating in applying general principles to particular cases, as also in interpreting contraries by reference to differences in situation, eloquent, resolute, intelligent, possessed of powerful memory.
- He was acquainted with the science of morals and politics, learned, proficient in distinguishing inferior things from superior ones, skilled in drawing inference from evidence, competent to judge of the correctness or incorrectness of syllogistic statements consisting of five propositions.
- He was capable of answering successively Vrihaspati himself while arguing, with definite conclusions properly framed about religion, wealth, pleasure and salvation, of great soul and beholding this whole universe, above, below, and around, as if it were present before his eyes.
- He was master of both the Sankhya and Yoga systems of philosophy, ever desirous of humbling the celestials and Asuras by fomenting quarrels among them, conversant with the sciences of war and treaty, proficient in drawing conclusions by judging of things not within direct ken, as also in the six sciences of treaty, war, military campaigns, maintenance of posts against the enemy and stratagems by ambuscades and reserves.
- He was a thorough master of every branch of learning, fond of war and music, incapable of being repulsed by any science or any course, of action, and possessed of these and numberless other accomplishments.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Narada the Ultimate Nomad

He is the roaming Rishi He is regarded as the Triloka Sanchaari, the ultimate nomad who roams the three Worlds of Swargaloka (heaven), Mrityuloka (earth, literally: "place of death") and Patalloka (nether-world). The ability of Rishi Narada to move between these three worlds in itself indicates why Rishi Narada is associated with the dual signs of the Drekkana.
A decanate ( Drekkana in Sanskrit ) is 1/3 rd of a house. The first Drekkana is, therefore, 0 to 10 degrees, the second decanate is 10 to 20 degrees & the third decanate is 20 to 30 degrees. Since each Sign has 3 decanates, there are 36 decanates in all.
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