He is the roaming Rishi He is regarded as the Triloka Sanchaari, the ultimate nomad who roams the three Worlds of Swargaloka (heaven), Mrityuloka (earth, literally: "place of death") and Patalloka (nether-world). The ability of Rishi Narada to move between these three worlds in itself indicates why Rishi Narada is associated with the dual signs of the Drekkana.
A decanate ( Drekkana in Sanskrit ) is 1/3 rd of a house. The first Drekkana is, therefore, 0 to 10 degrees, the second decanate is 10 to 20 degrees & the third decanate is 20 to 30 degrees. Since each Sign has 3 decanates, there are 36 decanates in all.
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