Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Even the sixteen great kings and emperors viz.,

  1. King Maruttu, 
  2. King Suhora, 
  3. King Anga, 
  4. Emperor Sibi, 
  5. Emperor Sri rama, 
  6. King Bhagiradha, 
  7. Emperor Dilip, 
  8. King Maandhaatha, 
  9. King Yayati, 
  10. Emperor Ambareesha, 
  11. King Sasibindu, 
  12. King Gaya, 
  13. King Ranti Deva, 
  14. King Bharatha, 
  15. King Prudhu, and 
  16. Parasuraama. 
All these six teen Kings and Emperors have ruled this earth. They have performed great penances. They have given many charities to Brahmins. They fed the poor.They all ruled their people with utmost kindness. But, Where are they? Are they alive now.? Have they be permited to live on this earth eternally? No. In passing of time, all of them have died. So none can avoid death.


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